Getech in the community
Corporate social responsibility
As a nationwide company and a local employer, Getech recognises that it has a responsibility to the community in which it is based. The company has an active role in improving the quality of life of the neighbourhood in which its employees live and regularly focuses on supporting community programmes.
Charity of the year
Getech is pleased to announce that we have chosen Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals Charity as our inaugural charity of the year. The company regularly gives back to the community, but this is the first time in our history we have designated a charity on which to focus all our fundraising activity.
To find out more about The Children’s Appeal, visit their website.

The long walk
The Orwell Challenge
Sunday, the 25th of June, was the hottest day of 2023 so far, so it was with some trepidation that 29 members of the Getech staff and some of their families participated in The Orwell Challenge, an annual charity walk and run along the banks of the River Orwell from Ipswich to Felixstowe and back. The Challenge comprises several routes of varying distances for people of all abilities, including the Levington Loop of 13 miles, Fishponds Folly stretching to 19 miles or the full Orwell 25 for the bravest of souls willing to push their bodies for 25 miles in the searing heat.
The core of the event is a fun day out for the whole family with the chance to enjoy our beautiful Suffolk countryside and the opportunity to help many local charities and causes. Team Getech decided to support two charities helping one of our colleagues, Cara Jones, during her battle with cancer: The Woolverstone Centre and The John Le Vay Centre, both at the Ipswich Hospital.
Special mention must go to Iden Marsh, one of our warehouse assistants and Cara’s nephew, who ran the marathon course. In total, the Getech walkers and runners completed a combined distance of 396 miles, with everyone making it home safely – if a little sore! Despite not knowing the final fund-raising total, our JustGiving page has surpassed the £4,000 mark.
Community support
DONS Local Action Group
Getech is delighted to have helped our partners,, secure Chromebook donations to support the valuable work of Dons Local Action Group: a team that has already delivered over 800 laptops and tablets, thanks to many generous donations. Together we are ensuring that children can stay connected while they learn.
Insight and impact
Read our latest articles and news

Building blocks for the future with Getech and Jackson
During the recent Flood & Coast 2023 event at the Telford international centre, our intrepid man on the ground, Jason was interviewed for the Show Report Magazine. Understanding the need to get young minds fully engaged with the STEM-related opportunities that lie ahead, Getech (working alongside civil engineering firm Jackson at the show) was demonstrating its range of tools aimed at school children, including its work with the LEGO Education and the Scratch coding language. “We’re designing programs that allow educators to engage with children, both to promote STEM subjects, but also to help them understand what civil engineering is” Said Jason Tye of Getech. “We want children to be excited about wanting to be the engineers of the future” – Getech

Packaged with the environment in mind
Committed to building a better future for their customers, the community and the planet, Lenovo are taking environmental, social and governance issues seriously.

Power student potential with Practice Sets from Google
With practice sets, teachers can leverage their existing content or create a wide variety of interactive assignments from scratch to provide more engaging work that students can enjoy, all inside Google Classroom. Students get immediate feedback when they answer questions thanks to auto-grading, and teachers can spend less time reviewing progress with automated insights and reports.