Secure Schools

Train your school staff against cyber-attacks

Cyber attacks in Education have tripled since 2019, disproportionately affecting schools that often don’t have the funds or in-house resources needed to handle a breach.

Although most scammers, hackers and other bad actors use widely-similar techniques to gain access to valuable data, be a nuisance or cause harm through a computer, it’s imperative to provide training that helps staff recognise evolving risks and be aware of best practices that protect all users and their information online.

Secure Schools is the UK’s first cyber security management platform dedicated to schools and academy trusts, providing Education-specific tools and interactive training that prepare your faculty and govenors against security risks from password theft to social engineering.

DfE Cyber Security Standards

All schools in England and Wales are expected to meet a range of criteria and maintain best practices in cyber security, so if the worst happens anyway and an attack does occur, at least the damage can be minimised quickly.

The most common forms of cyber attack rely on mistakes and momentary lapses in judgement by users to be successful, so making sure your staff and governing body have adequate training is essential.

To meet the Department for Education’s standard, staff with access to your IT network must complete basic cyber security training annually, be that by boring modules seen more as a hindrance than helpful, or better.

Secure Schools takes the tedious testing out of training by offering a safe environment for users to experience real-world cyber threats, helping you to gauge how staff act to phishing attempts and provide hands-on training that reinforces learning.

The innovative, easy-to-use platform provides schools and academy trusts with three key tools:

Cyber Security Awareness Training

Meet DfE requirements by empowering your staff with the knowledge and tools that will help protect all users in your estate from cyber threats, evidenced with automated reports.

Phishing Simulator

Train staff to spot the warning signs of a malicious email and gain valuable insight into how staff respond to phishing attacks in a safe, supportive environment.

Policy & Strategy Builder

Speed up building security policies and strategy documents with 11 best-practice templates, available instantly to help you meet DfE, ESFA, RPA and Cyber Essentials expectations quickly.

••All schools within our Multi Academy Trust use Secure Schools to ensure that they understand security risks, meet the IASME Governance information security standard which includes Cyber Essentials and comply with the GDPR as set by the ICO. They undertake cyber security internal audits, automated configuration checks and knowledge transfer by online training along with safe, controlled cyber-attack simulations. Secure Schools ensures that our schools are resilient to cyber threats by providing them with the essential cyber security training and tools.

– Deborah Temperton, Chief Projects Officer at The Rose Learning Trust

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